Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Aversion to Cold

Donkey:  I'm cold. Can we turn on the heat?
Me:  No! Put on a sweater! I'm not turning on the heat in June.
Donkey:  But it's only 55 degrees outside.
Me:  June!
Donkey:  Fine. I'm going out to get some groceries.
Me:  Put on your parka. Don't want you catching cold.
[Later: Donkey still out shopping]
Me:  [thinking it *is* a bit nippy in here, cranks up the heat.]
[Later: Donkey home.]
Me:  Sweetheart, we need a chair out of the crawl space for the English family to use in the guest room.
Donkey:  I'll go get it.
[Substantial clattering and banging ensues. An hour passes]
Donkey:  I got the chair. I tried to squeeze it past the furnace but it wouldn't work, so I had to move the pantry cupboard from in front of the other opening, then move all the winter coats from the rail behind it, and got it through there and then I had to hang up all the winter coats and put the pantry cupboard back and SWEAT was lashing out of me.
Me:  🤭🤭
Donkey:  Don't you dare laugh. Did you turn on the heat?
Me:  🤭🤭
Donkey: You DID. You DID turn on the heat.
Me:  I was cold.😬
Donkey:  Oh. So when I'M cold ... in June ... I need to put on a sweater. When YOU'RE cold ... in June ... you get to turn on the heat.
Me:  I'm a delicate flower, Donkey.
Donkey:  I have another name for it. That makes you a [sensored].🤬
Me:  Oooooooh, Donkey! [clutching pearls]
Donkey: Just so we're clear.
Me: Donkey?
Donkey: What.
Me: It's hot in here.
Donkey: Shall I turn off the heat, Princess?
Me: If it's not too much bother.
Donkey: But what if I am cold?
Me:  It's June! Put on a sweater!

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