Me: Dunno what you mean. Suspicious how?
Donkey: Sort of a chocolate aftertaste.
Me: Sounds good! They must have changed the formula...


Me: What are you suggesting?
Donkey: I'm not 'suggesting' anything, only that my potassium pills taste more like, oh, I dunno, orange Smarties ... than potassium pills.

Donkey: Are you saying you don't know?
Me: Know what?
Donkey: What are those little stepping stones in your Zen Garden?
Me: Again. What are you suggesting?
Donkey: I can see why you might swap out my potassium pills for orange Smarties, because I may have been a little annoying of late, but using the potassium pills to decorate your Zen Garden is just cold.
Me: Well the BSU wouldn't think to look there ... oops 😬 .
Donkey: Cold. Icy cold.
Me: Well the BSU wouldn't think to look there ... oops 😬 .
Donkey: Cold. Icy cold.
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